#URBX The Urban culture festival in Roubaix !

#URBX The Urban culture festival in Roubaix!
> FROM 15 TO 26 JUNE <
Street art, dance, rap, urban sports, but also fashion... Since the mid-1980s, Roubaix has been a playground for artists, creators and sportsmen for whom the city is a tool for inspiration, artistic practices, innovation and experimentation of all kinds. These cultures, which were alternative and underground when they were created, have now become the daily cultural practices of young people, from Roubaix and beyond, who have a vision for the city of tomorrow.
Through the URBX Festival, the Urban Cultures association has the ambition to position Roubaix - Hauts de France as THE city of Urban Cultures in France, in the centre of Europe and in the world. Its role is to encourage the opening up of barriers by encouraging the transmission of knowledge through inclusive educational programmes and by supporting the integration of young people through voluntary work, the creation of internships and jobs.
To do this, it relies on the strength of five disciplines: visual arts, dance, music, fashion and sport. It also mobilises the richness of Roubaix's history by involving local associations that have been working for many years in these different disciplines.