What to do before or after La Piscine ?

Four must-see attractions prior to or following your visit of the museum !
1/ La Villa Cavrois
This modern castle, completed in 1932, is a masterpiece built by the modernist architect Mallet-Stevens for the Roubaisien industrialist Paul Cavrois.
The cherry on top !
La Villa Cavrois opens at 10a.m., perfect timing just before La Piscine opens its doors at 11a.m. during the week and at 1p.m. during the weekend!
Tuesday—Sunday, 10a.m.—6p.m., 60 av. Kennedy, Croix —Metro stop: Villa Cavrois — www.villa-cavrois.fr
2/ La Manufacture
Greater Lille’s textile narrative as told through the sounds of its machines in this factory-museum, which also hosts contemporary textile art exhibitions.
The cherry on top !
The second municipal museum, along with La Piscine, is an ideal way to discover another interesting facet of Roubaix’s rich history.
Tuesday—Sunday, 2p.m.—6p.m., guided tours at 2p.m., 3p.m., 4p.m., 29 av. Julien Lagache, Roubaix —From the metro station Eurotéléport, take bus 15 or 16 to the stop:Fraternité — www.lamanufacture-roubaix.com
A good deal: Take advantage of joint admission for either “La Villa Cavrois/La Piscine” or “La Manufacture/La Piscine”.
On sale at the respective locations.
3/ La Condition Publique
This historic monument, witness to Roubaix’s storied textile industry, serves today as host to a laboratory boiling over with creativity much like the city itself.
The cherry on top !
Fans of street art will appreciate the plethora of graffiti pieces in and outside the walls of La Condition Publique.
Wednesday—Saturday, 1p.m.—7p.m., 14 Place Faidherbe, Roubaix — 5 minutes from Eurotéléport by foot — www.laconditionpublique.com
4/ Two trips to discover Roubaix
>“Next stop, Roubaix”a trip via tramway departing from Gare Lille Flandres, to better understand the historic adventure of the Lille metropolis.
Every Saturday, 10:45a.m.—12:30p.m.
>On Fil à Roubaix (Let’s Go to Roubaix), a one-hour visit to the city centre, to experience the adventure of Roubaix: the village that became a textile capital.
Every Saturday, 11:30a.m.—12:30p.m.
The cherry on top!
Schedule it just before your trip to the museum, so you’ll be able to really place La Piscine in its historical context.
Info and reservations at roubaixtourisme.com or the offices of Roubaix Tourisme: 7 rue du chemin de fer (2 min from La Piscine)